Review // I'll Just Date Myself by Lani Lynn Vale

June 18, 2023

I'll Just Date Myself by Lani Lynn Vale

Why would I want to stay in my lane when everyone else's lane is a whole lot more fun?

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I'll Just Date Myself by Lani Lynn Vale

I'll Just Date Myself by Lani Lynn Vale

My Rating - ★★★★
Standalone - Gator Bait MC #7
Release - June 27, 2023
Genre/Trope - Contemporary romance with suspense elements / enemies to lovers
POV - Dual 1st person
Heat - 4 out of 5
Format - eARC provided by the author
Length - 300 pages

Normally when you say, “I have a stalker,” you think bad thoughts. That wasn’t the kind of stalker Folsom was when it came to Kobe Sano. Folsom liked to call herself a “guardian angel in disguise.”

The first time he catches her attention, he’s been assigned to hunt her down and throw away the key. All she did was steal someone else’s child. Well, embryo, that is. What Kobe doesn’t know, though, is the man that hired him is up to no good, and she has no other choice but to run without looking back.

From that moment on, she spends the rest of her spare time running away from him while also digging into every nook and cranny of his personal life, finding every weakness he has and utilizing it any way she needs to keep herself one step ahead of him.

Only one day, when she goes to do her usual snooping, she finds out that not only is her favorite person in trouble, but he’s also in need of her help.

Too bad it takes her years to find that help.
Her next step is to break him out of the pokey prison-break style.
If she knew he’d go without question, she very well might have.


It didn’t take a genius to know when someone was stalking you. The signs were all there, and they eventually pointed right at Folsom.

When he figures it out, he plans to confront her and maybe address the silent sexual tension that’s been brewing between them for the last few years.

However, right when he’s ready to admit to himself that she might be the one—daughter who intimidates the hell out of him or not—she up and disappears for a year.

In that year, he spends every waking moment searching for her.

And eventually he finds her, confronts her, and is hit in the face with the secrets she’s kept from him for years.

One of which is a big one.

The daughter that she protects with everything she has—the one that he’s come to love with all his heart, just like her mom—is the very abducted child from his one and only unsolved case.

Find I'll Just Date Myself here: Goodreads * Amazon

I'll Just Date Myself by Lani Lynn Vale

My Two Cents

After being told that I'd be due for a surprise because the main character was given an overhaul, I didn't know what to expect. Would I even like the new and improved Folsom?

Well, let me tell you...


Folsom was sweet, kind and generous. She also had a knack for being all up in your business and you not even knowing it. She'd help you in ways you didn't even know you needed. She would do anything for her daughter and for those she chose to love.

She was also a woman of mystery. While she was very blunt, she wasn't very forthcoming about her circumstances. And I liked it! It gave her character an air of intrigue that kept me guessing. Even at the end of the book, I'm still wondering if I got her full story.

Kobe was a man who I struggled to get to know in the previous books. It seemed like even the men he served time with had a hard time really knowing this guy. But Folsom found a way and I loved how her meddling created an atmosphere in which they could truly connect.

There are hit men, weird contracts, missing persons, and an easy kind of 'oops I felt into it' love.

I'm still a bit broken hearted over what Kobe had to go through to get his happy ending, but it was a sweet ending and I'm so glad these two unknowns found such happiness with each other.

The Author

Lani Lynn Vale is married to the love of her life that she met in high school. She fell in love with him because he was wearing baseball pants. Ten years later they have three perfectly crazy children and a cat named Demon who likes to wake her up at ungodly times in the night. They live in the greatest state in the world, Texas. She writes contemporary and romantic suspense, and has a love for all things romance. You can find Lani in front of her computer writing away in her fictional characters world...that is until her husband and kids demand sustenance in the form of food and drink.

Visit for more information!

Throwback Thursday // Books Collecting Dust

June 15, 2023

Hello and welcome! Today I'm sharing the first five books on my Goodreads TBR. They've been sitting there for almost 10 years and I don't suppose I'll ever be getting around to them.

I can't be the only one whose reading habits or choices have drastically changed in the last decade, right?

Let me know if you've read any of these and what you thought of them. Maybe your words (if they're positive) will give me the push I need to finally pick one of these up.

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Rose by Sydney Landon

My name is Rose Madden and I have spent my life being the perfect daughter. Thanks to my daddy, I'm an expert marksman who dresses like some modern day freaking June Cleaver. My life has been perfectly scripted since the day I was born. I've never deviated from the plan—until I met attorney Max Decker. Now he has me doing insane things to get his attention, like grabbing him in his car and being arrested for stalking my ex-boyfriend just so he'll come bail me out of jail. He thinks I'm crazy—but he wants me anyway, he just can't admit it. I'm tired of living my life for others, and Max has just given me a reason to show everyone that this good girl is going bad.

This is the first book of the series. The first three books were about another couple and I remember really wanting to get my hands on this book. Rose was this proper lady who could definitely handle a gun. That's about all that comes to mind. I don't recall much else about her and the longer this book sits on a shelf, the more I forget that it's even there.

Should I read it?

Revived by Samantha Towle

India Harris didn’t have the best start in life. Abandoned as a baby, she and her twin brother, Kit, spent their lives in foster care, only having each other to rely on. Then, at a young age, a relationship with the wrong man left India pregnant. Wanting to give her son the life she never had, she put herself through school and graduated with honors.

Now, at the age of thirty, she’s a highly respected therapist.

At the top of his game as a Formula One driver, Leandro Silva had everything—until an accident on the track left him staring death in the face. After enduring twelve months of physical therapy, Leandro is now physically able to race, but his mind is keeping him from the track. Frustrated and angry, Leandro’s days and nights are filled with limitless alcohol and faceless women.

Entering the last year of his contract, he knows he has to race again, or he’ll lose everything he spent his life working for. Forced into therapy to get his life back, Leandro finds himself in the office of Dr. India Harris.

Falling for his uptight therapist is not part of Leandro’s plan.
Having unethical feelings for her patient, the angry Brazilian race car driver, is not part of India’s plan.
But what if the wrong person is the only person who is right?

Okay, so I don't really know how this one ended up on my list. Back in the day, I think if I enjoyed a book, I added whatever was next for the author to continue the good streak. However, this isn't something I would choose for myself today. Or is it? I don't know. I'm terrible at this. Part of me is wondering if this may be one of the great reads of my year.

What do you think?

Fighting for Forever by J.B. Salsbury

Slut. Hooker. Whore.
The taunts never bothered me. They only see what I allow them to see, and a Las Vegas stripper is the perfect cover.
My life had direction. I had a mission—until the man I needed vanished and is presumed dead.
It’s time to move on—give up the dream for revenge—and no one shows me that more than the mop-headed fighter with eyes the color of the ocean.
If anyone can teach me just how sweet life can be, it’s him. But first, I’d have to let go.
Mase. Baywatch. Mayhem.
I’m known by many names, but there’s only one that stirs panic and worry in my gut every time I’m called it.
I’ve bailed him out of trouble for years, so when he turns up in Vegas and asks for me, I’m prepared for the worst. And the worst is exactly what I get in the form of a lilac-eyed beauty named Trix.
She’s everything I hate about Vegas: a stripper, loose with her body and her morals. But there’s something about her, a complexity that she buries deep, and I’m determined to uncover it.
The deeper I go, the less I understand. When I finally learn the truth, we engage in a battle where life and death hang in the balance.
Fighting could kill us both, but if we win, forever is the prize.

I remember reading this entire series and loving it. Seriously, I easily 5-starred the first book and probably ever one following. So I'll definitely be reading this at some point as I re-read this series and share my love of this author's writing.

See... this post was worthwhile because I found not-so-new books to fall in love with all over again.

Never Never by Colleen Hoover + Tarryn Fisher

Charlie Wynwood and Silas Nash have been best friends since they could walk. They've been in love since the age of fourteen. But as of this morning... they are complete strangers. Their first kiss, their first fight, the moment they fell in love... every memory has vanished.

Charlie and Silas must work together to uncover the truth about what happened to them and why. But the more they learn about the couple they used to be, the more they question why they were ever together to begin with.

I don't really have anything to say about this book or series. I don't even remember the hype surrounding it. However, I have enjoyed books by Tarryn Fisher.

Is this worth my while?

Confess by Colleen Hoover

Auburn Reed is determined to rebuild her shattered life and she has no room for mistakes. But when she walks into a Dallas art studio in search of a job, she doesn’t expect to become deeply attracted to the studio’s enigmatic artist, Owen Gentry.

For once, Auburn takes a chance and puts her heart in control, only to discover that Owen is hiding a huge secret. The magnitude of his past threatens to destroy everything Auburn loves most, and the only way to get her life back on track is to cut Owen out of it—but can she do it?

Here's the thing... New adult romances used to be my jam. I couldn't get enough of them. Now though... I'm super picky and I don't know if this one will be a hit with me.

The last two books I've read from Hoover were pretty meh to me. I gave them 3 stars.

Do you think I'll love this one?

Books That Didn't Make the Cut Pt.12

June 13, 2023

Hello hello! I'm back with some more books that didn't really work for me, but might be winners for you.

Vow of Revenge by P. Rayne

My Rating - ★
Genre/Trope - New Adult Contemporary Romance / arranged marriage
POV - Dual
Length - 358 pages

BLURB: Nothing ruins a perfect day like your dead fiancé showing up in the middle of your first class.

Mirabella La Rosa
When my father arranged for me to marry the next in line to lead the Costa crime family, I swore I’d do anything to escape that fate. I have way more to offer my family than being some man’s arm candy, producing heirs, and making appearances at weddings and baptisms.
Marcelo Costa might be my fiancé, but he’ll never be my husband.
Somehow, I get lucky because he and his father are killed in a car bombing. Not only do I not have to go from being a mafia princess to a mafia wife, but now I can attend college at the Sicuro Academy—an affluent private college created for mafia children like me.
I’m so excited. I’ve moved into my dorm room with my best friend, put on the uniform and am ready to learn. But all my plans come to a screeching halt when he shows up on campus alive and well, seeking revenge on those that crossed him.

Marcelo Costa
The look of shock on my fiancée’s face when I walk into the classroom at the Sicuro Academy gives me more pleasure than it should.
Mirabella made it clear she didn’t want to marry me, and she’s a problem to be dealt with for sure. But now, she’s the smaller of my two problems.
The only reason I’m at the Sicuro Academy is because my investigation into the bomb that killed my father and almost took me out has led me here.
So I’ll allow Mirabella to stay at the academy while I track down my father’s murderer, but once I’ve brought that person to my own particular brand of justice I’ll remove her from campus and make her my wife.
And no amount of pleading on her part will change my mind.

I’m sorry Jess, but I quickly realized that this book isn’t for me. I loved the reviews I found for this book and grabbed it up real quick, but nah. It ain’t for me. The characters are too young, too entitled, too too too too much.

The Selkie Wife by Andie Beckham

My Rating - ★★
Genre/Trope - Paranormal Romance / instalove
POV - Dual
Length - 121 pages

BLURB: From the deep, she's scented him: her perfect match.

On his bleakest night, Arran, a lighthouse keeper's son, encounters a beautiful stranger with a mysterious, glossy coat. Struck by her alluring magic and feral kinship with the ocean, Arran's trepidatiously-balanced life quickly descends into dreamy, passionate chaos.

One thing haunts him: he can't let his violent father find her.

As Arran's heart drifts toward the Selkie like a beacon, he learns the wild seal woman has plans of her own. Her startling proposition to give him a child is only the beginning. The selkie's powerful allure unlocks Arran's secret that could change everything.

I’m still unsure how I feel about this story. While I liked the concept of the selkie female finding her mate on land, I found it hard to engage with this book because of the writing style. I’m not a fan of reading in the present tense, so it kept throwing me off. However, I enjoyed the way this author captured these characters. Rose’s speech patterns and mannerisms were super cute and Arran’s naivete and vulnerability made him incredibly endearing.

Contempt by A. Zavarelli

My Rating - ★★
Genre/Trope - Contemporary Romance / amnesia + second chance
POV - Dual
Length - 554 pages

BLURB: Before the world knew me as a rock god, I was just the angry boy who stole her heart.

She was a good girl.

The forbidden fruit I wasn’t meant to taste.

Our stars were crossed, and fate had doomed us from the start.

She was promised to someone else.

I had her secret smiles.

Moments stolen in dark corners.

But I couldn’t have her future.

Destiny tore us apart, and all that remained was the ghost of her memory.

When she died, I did too.

But when I catch a glimpse of her five years later, alive and well, that love turns to hate as the bitter truth emerges.

She left me.

She lied.

And now, I’m going to make her pay.

I love the concept of this book. I can get behind a good amnesia/revenge plot. But I couldn’t really get behind the way this story was told. There were too many flashbacks and not enough answers. Even in the end, I’m still wondering why it was told this way. It didn’t make it more mysterious. It made it more annoying. Every time there was a flashback, I got irritated. Why? Because just when I thought the glimpse into the past would give me SOME FREAKING ANSWERS, I got nothing. What was the point???

Review // Happy Crazy Love Series by Melanie Harlow

In Some Sort of Happy, you’ll fall hard for tortured hero Sebastian right alongside feisty, down-on-her-luck Skylar Nixon, who’s returned to her small hometown to make a fresh start. Can she convince him to open his bruised and guarded heart?

In Some Sort of Crazy, you’ll laugh and swoon as Natalie Nixon finds herself falling head over heels for her adorably funny and sexy (but seriously commitment-phobic) childhood friend Miles. Will he get over his fear of forever in time to win her over?

In Some Sort of Love, you’ll meet hot bearded single dad Levi, whose devotion to his autistic son (not to mention his deliciously dirty mouth) steals Jillian Nixon’s heart. When he worries he can never give her enough time or attention, can she convince him he’s everything she’ll ever need?

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Some Sort of Happy

Happy Crazy Love #1
Release - September 22, 2015
Genre/Trope - Contemporary Romance / friends to lovers
POV - Dual 1st person
Heat - 4 out of 5
Format - ebook
Length - 345 pages

My Rating: ★★★★★

Skylar Nixon. She’s even more beautiful than I remember. Ten years ago she was an impossible dream, and now she’s right here in front of me, offering everything I ever wanted.

But happiness never lasts, not for someone like me.

I have to protect us both.


Sebastian Pryce. He’s the most complicated, frustrating, beautiful man I’ve ever met, and my body craves his with a hunger I’ve never known.

My heart is his completely.

Why won’t he let me in?

This ended up being a re-read for me and I think I enjoyed it even more the second time around!

This book was truly a work of beauty. It was open and honest, heartwarming and endearing, and heartbreakingly real. I couldn't help but fall in love with these characters and their story and become invested in their happily ever after.

As much as I came to enjoy Skylar and her charming inner monologues, Sebastian was the one who mattered the most to me. How could he not when I found pieces of me in him? Although OCD manifests itself in different ways for different people, I really enjoyed this glimpse into a realistic character trying to cope with it.

This story was about two people at the cusp of starting over. The buildup of their increasing connection was altogether adorable, engaging, and hot damn can this author write erotic scenes! Sebastian and Skylar were so hot together and their chemistry was further proof of how they were destined to be. Each interaction was another testament to how beautiful and believable they were.

I loved how Melanie Harlow wrote this story. It was uncomfortably accurate and incredibly sensitive. I loved Skylar's easy acceptance of each of Sebastian's "quirks". How she supported him , helped to guide him, and simply loved him unconditionally. In all honesty, I cheered each time Sebastian overcame each of his self-imposed obstacles and I know that it was all due to the way the author phrased each scene and painted each picture. I was satisfied with where this couple ended up, even if I can't help but want more.

Some Sort of Crazy

Happy Crazy Love #2
Release - November 17, 2015
Genre/Trope - Contemporary Romance / friends to lovers
POV - Dual 1st person
Heat - 4 out of 5
Format - ebook
Length - 286 pages

My Rating: ★★★★

When a psychic tells Natalie Nixon her life is about to be upended by a mysterious stranger, she laughs it off. After all, she has everything she’s ever wanted—a successful bakery, a the perfect boyfriend, and the keys to her dream house.

Who could possibly make her want to throw all that away?

Then Miles Haas comes back to town.

But he’s no stranger—they’ve known each other since high school. Plus, he’s only around for the summer, he’s still a shameless playboy, and he makes a living writing articles for a men’s magazine with titles like 'Should You Bang the Boss’s Daughter? A Flowchart' and 'Butt Stuff for Beginners: A Field Guide.'

He’s not the man of her dreams, and she’s not about to abandon everything she’s worked so hard for just for a little fun. Except he makes her laugh like no one else, smells like heaven, and looks sexy as hell in those panty-melting glasses.

Natalie was a perfectionist while Miles took life as it came. They couldn’t be more different, but there was a reason why they were friends for so long. They simply got each other. If only Natalie would stop standing in her own way LOL. Seriously though, for all she knew, Miles was always going to be the playboy that she’d always known. It was hard for me to get behind him having real feelings for her at first, because of his denial. He was so used to living his life a certain way, but I’m so happy with the way the author wrote this story. Miles had to grow up some time and Natalie was the perfect woman for him. Actually, they were perfect for each other. She brought the serious while he brought the playful. And it was such a fun story to read!

Some Sort of Happy

Happy Crazy Love #3
Release - February 9, 2016
Genre/Trope - Contemporary Romance / second chance
POV - Dual 1st person
Heat - 3.5 out of 5
Format - ebook
Length - 281 pages

My Rating: ★★★1/2

From the outside looking in, I had it all—a career I loved, a supportive family, the Nixon metabolism but not the Nixon ears, and a salary that supported my lavish taste in designer shoes, fine wine, and lacy lingerie … but I had no one to share it with.

Until the day I ran into him—my one night stand from college with the crooked smile, let’s-get-out-of-here eyes, and dirty, dirty mouth.

Cute and cocky then, today Levi Brooks is six feet four inches of hot bearded fantasy. A sexy single dad with broad shoulders, strong hands, and a fantastically big … heart. (I mean, it’s massive. And generous. And it pumps so hard … um. Sorry. Lost my place.)

Being a good father means everything to him, but he's keeping me at a distance because he thinks I deserve someone better — a man who can give me more time, more attention, more of himself. He doesn’t believe he could ever be enough.

But he's wrong.

He’s everything.

While this wasn’t my favorite from this series, it was still an enjoyable read. I loved the whole Pine Sol inside joke. I loved how devoted Levi was to his son. I loved how much he and Jillian came to love each other. I didn’t like how fast everyone expected their lives to change or become meshed. And it was pretty quick. But I do love how the author gives these characters hurdles to overcome in order to find true happiness. These characters have to evolve, truly know themselves, in order to become part of something greater than they had ever known. And while this story didn’t turn out as sexy or intimate or sweet as the first two, it still had its moments and I’m a bit sad to let these people go.

At least I got all of the happy endings I was hoping for!

May 2023 Bookish Recap

June 04, 2023

Hello hello and welcome to another recap!

While April wasn't the greatest month for me, May has definitely seen me make somewhat of a comeback. I'm still not reading as much, but my mind is in a better place. I'm crotcheting again and am finding a peace I haven't known in a long time.

I've been using my downtime (some of it at least) to come up with new ideas for this blog. Activities that will keep me (and therefore you) engaged with it. So look out for my Throwback Thursday posts and I'll be doing sale posts again so we can all grab up those cheap AF kindle reads!

So my May reading was as follows...


Total Books Read: 9
Total Pages Read: 3227
Genres: Contemporary (2), Dark Romance (3), Fantasy (1), Paranormal (3)
From my TBR: 1
Avg. Rating: 3.89

All the Books

There was a big standout this month: The Ember Glen Trilogy

I happened across a review of this trilogy by Jessica @Chatterbooks Book Blog and it drew me to one-click. I figured I couldn't go wrong because it was free with Kindle Unlimited. It was so much better than I expected and I recommend it to anyone who loves dystopian romance and darkness.

The other books I read and would recommend were:

Edin by Lily Mayne
Special Kind of Twisted by Lani Lynn Vale
Secrets of Shooting Star Lake by Susanna Strom

Added to my tbr

Book Haul

I bought nothing. Aside from the few books I borrowed from the Kindle Unlimited library, I've kept my wallet closed. I hope I can continue this trend for the foreseeable future.

I hope we find only the best reads in June!

Talk soon,

xo, Natalie

Review // Secrets of Shooting Star Lake by Susanna Strom

May 30, 2023

Secrets of Shooting Star Lake by Susanna Strom

"My happy place. My safe place.
But more than that, you're my home."

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Secrets of Shooting Star Lake by Susanna Strom

Secrets of Shooting Star Lake by Susanna Strom

My Rating - ★★★★
Standalone - Black Rock Guardians #1
Release - June 27, 2023
Genre - Paranormal Romance
POV - Dual 1st person
Heat - descriptive with a few scenes
Format - eARC provided by the author
Length - 326 pages

Fighting primal instinct is not for the faint of heart…

All I needed from the wickedly smart pastry chef was the land that would give my pack an advantage in the upcoming war.

I never expected to need her.

But Marit Hagen is my fated mate. Every fiber of my being is telling me to claim her.

It doesn’t matter that it’s forbidden. It doesn’t matter that choosing her could cost me everything. Even my life.

All I know is what I feel in my soul.

She’s mine.

I thought the isolated cabin would be a perfect place to recover from my latest romantic disaster.

I was wrong.

Turns out the woods are full of supernatural creatures who want something from me. And one of them wants all of me.

Sexy werewolf Adam Landry says I’m his soul mate.


I’m willing to accept the existence of shifters and a potential paranormal war. But I’ll never believe in eternal love.

No matter how much he makes me wish I could…

My Two Cents

I love when a new-to-me author gives me a book that seems to check all of my boxes!
❥ instalove/fated mate vibes
❥ Protective hero and compassionate heroine
❥ lovely side characters
❥ Tons of love and heat

At first, I found Marit to be a bit abrasive, despite understanding why she was rude and aggressive with Adam, however, she quickly grew on me. Once she gave herself a break, her character showed me she was full of such strong emotion, more than capable of being an equal to Adam. And Adam… I wasn’t even surprised by how much I enjoyed this character.

The author did an amazing job of weaving together the new connection growing between her characters, a sense of doom for the pack, and a bit of mystery. I was able to answer some of my questions pretty quickly, but I did not expect some of the twists and I loved that. I appreciated being surprised, especially when I thought I had things all figured out.

There was so much warmth between all of the characters. I found the expected spice between Adam and Marit, but their relationship, no matter how quickly they got there, was also full of so much heart. And the side characters, including her cousins and his, made me want even more. I’m hoping they each get their own story and that the subplot gets resolved in the books to come.

The Author

With the publication of Pandemonium, Susanna Strom is branching out into an entirely new variety of romance. Susanna loves to read—and write—stories full of complex characters who find love, hope and connection while navigating through a challenging new world. Pandemonium is her first foray in apocalyptic/dystopian romance, but it definitely won’t be her last. Susanna lives in the beautiful Pacific NW with her husband and two very spoiled cats.

Visit for more information

Review // Special Kind of Twisted by Lani Lynn Vale

May 26, 2023

Special Kind of Twisted by Lani Lynn Vale

Admitting to someone that you loved them made you vulnerable.
Admitting to Davis that you loved him made you crazy.

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Special Kind of Twisted by Lani Lynn Vale

Special Kind of Twisted by Lani Lynn Vale

Standalone - Gator Bait MC #6
Release - May 23, 2023
Genre - Contemporary Romance / enemies to lovers
POV - Dual 1st person
Heat - 4 out of 5 / a few descriptive scenes
Format - eARC provided by the author
Length - 248 pages

He had a way of pulling everyone into his darkness. Then, to make matters worse, he convinced you that you liked it there.
Kyle Davis—ex professional baseball player and current felon—loved Sara, his best friend. Strictly platonically, of course. He’d do absolutely anything for her, even put up with Greer, Sara’s other best friend.
What she was not was Kyle’s best friend. Or any friend at all, to be honest.
In fact, they couldn’t stand to be in the same room with each other, let alone breathe the same air for any length of time.
Then something happens, forcing the two of them to work together to keep Sara blissfully unaware of the danger Greer’s in.
They come up with a plan. Sara doesn’t need to know.
What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her.
The funny thing is, Sara knows all. Sara also knows the two of them are destined to be with each other.
She only has to convince them of it first.

My Two Cents

4 "Bickering is their love language" stars

I've been very interested in learning more about Kyle Davis for what seems like forever and I'm so glad I finally got my hands on his story! He's so busy protecting everyone else, I wanted to see him get a bit of that security himself. And I can't imagine a better life partner for him than Greer.

At first glance, they seemed like oil and water. Aside from sharing a best friend in Sara, they had nothing in common.

A ton of stolen glances and moments later, Greer seems to be in danger and Kyle's protective instincts kick in for someone who he always believed was his enemy. I loved the forced proximity aspect of this story and how it made these two finally acknowledge how deeply they cared for each other. I also absolutely adored how them becoming something more than frenemies didn't detract from what they had already built as a relationship. Just because she was his girlfriend didn't make her immune to pranks and deliberate attempts to stir up her temper.

I'm in love with the way the characters in this series love each other. And although Greer was new to the circle, she fit in just right and I was so excited for these fictional people.

I don't know who the next story in the series is about. I'm determined to enter each book as blindly as possible. It's been a great strategy so far, however, if it's not about Sara and the delicious sheriff, Sunny... could it be about the mysterious Folsom and the equally mysterious Kobe? I'll definitely be staying tuned to find out!

The Author

Lani Lynn Vale is married to the love of her life that she met in high school. She fell in love with him because he was wearing baseball pants. Ten years later they have three perfectly crazy children and a cat named Demon who likes to wake her up at ungodly times in the night. They live in the greatest state in the world, Texas. She writes contemporary and romantic suspense, and has a love for all things romance. You can find Lani in front of her computer writing away in her fictional characters world...that is until her husband and kids demand sustenance in the form of food and drink.

Visit for more information!

My Most Favorite Reads of 2022

May 13, 2023

It's May. I know. I'm so freaking late with this list, but I'm going to blame it on how discouraged I've felt reading this year. While 2022 wasn't the BEST reading year of my life, I did find some really great books and new-to-me authors to fall in love with and to share with you.

Here goes...

Contemporary Romance

Dark Romance

Fantasy Romance

Paranormal Romance

Romantic Comedy

SciFi Romance

Urban Fantasy

Have you read any of these books or have them on a list? Leave a comment below and tell me all about it!

I wish everyone the best that 2023 has to offer — may all of us continue to be healthy and safe this year!

xo, Natalie

Review // Ember Glen Trilogy by Brynn Ford

May 12, 2023

Ember Glen Trilogy by Brynn Ford

I could never match the strength and bravery of Mercy Madness.
No one ever could, and no one ever will.

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Ember Glen Trilogy by Brynn Ford

Spark of Madness by Brynn Ford

Ember Glen #1
Release - July 21, 2022
Genre - Dark Romance / dystopian, forbidden
POV - Dual 1st person
Heat - 5 out of 5
Format - ebook borrowed from Kindle Unlimited
Length - 320 pages

Mercy is a sinner, and Arlo is no saint

MERCY - For years, I've served the men of Ember Glen. I've endured their depravity because it's required. But when the most vicious man in our village decides to target me during a purge, I have to make a choice…

I can kneel and serve…
or I can run and become a sinner.

I choose sin…
I choose to run.

Only, I didn't expect another man to chase me…
I didn't expect the harrowing punishments he'd make me endure once I was caught…
And I certainly didn't expect to find passion for him.

The man who calls me a sinner sets my soul on fire.

Ember Glen Trilogy by Brynn Ford

REVIEW ~ 4 stars

Let me start off by saying THANK YOU to Jessica @Chatterbooks Book Blog, From her rave review of the series, I knew I had to give it a try. Dark romance, dystopian society, strong heroine, horrific experiences, sinners and servants… Spark of Madness has all of that and more.

I admired the heck out of Mercy. She seemed to be the only one who questioned her place in life. She was the only one who spoke up for how wrong things were. Why were men allowed to subjugate, abuse, and generally mistreat women with no consequences? Why were women punished for questioning or refusing the status quo? She was a warrior for her people, even if they couldn’t see or acknowledge it.

After recently watching The Handmaid’s Tale, I couldn’t help drawing parallels, but at the same time, this story is so different. The construct of this society is also mired in twisted religion, women are oppressed, meant to be seen and to serve, not to have thoughts or feelings or to be heard. Select men are chosen to rule over everyone and each caste has a certain set of rules they must follow. In that vein, Arlo reminded me of Nick, in that he lives in the society and, until meeting Mercy, he believed in the principles of that society. However, he starts to question himself and those around him. While he first tries to rationalize it, it seems he’s coming to accept that something’s wrong with what he was forced to believe.

Arlo isn't a hero in my eyes... yet. But with the way this author writes, I can easily see her convincing me to like him.

My thoughts for the rest of this series:
- Killian must die. The elders must die.
- I think that the idea of no world beyond Ember’s Glen is a lie. I think normal society exists and this cultish environment exists outside of accepted society. I hope Mercy burns down this place and finds a new home in the real world. That would be my hope for her happy ending. I’m not sold on that ending being with Arlo, but I’m guessing the next two books will work to change my mind.

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Ember Glen Trilogy by Brynn Ford

Blaze of Misery by Brynn Ford

Ember Glen #2
Release - October 20, 2022
Genre - Dark Romance / dystopian, forbidden
POV - Dual 1st person
Heat - 5 out of 5
Format - ebook borrowed from Kindle Unlimited
Length - 404 pages

She's destined to die, yet she consumes my every waking thought.

I'm struggling against everything I've been taught to believe.
I'm falling for a sinner, and my passion for her is destroying my world.

As Mercy endures untold torment at the hands of my brothers, my soul splinters, breaking in ways I didn't know were possible. I want her so much it consumes me. I need her so much that I'd burn for eternity in exchange for a single moment with her...if only I could sell my soul to spare her life.

The fear of her looming death begs my mind to open, and all I want is a world where she lives.

Absolution. They could etch the word into my skin, and still, it would never find me.

The trials for my soul begin, but they aren't truly meant to save me.
Nothing can save me from the way I've been broken by the men of Ember Glen.

The man who hurt me the most is also the man whose touch sets me on fire. Arlo Rainn hasn’t earned my thoughts, my attention, or my desire, yet he possesses me entirely. My feelings for him strengthen as we explore our forbidden passion, and as he comes to know me better, he begins to see the world through my eyes.

My warden's perspective is shifting, and I fall deeper into the madness of my need for him.

Ember Glen Trilogy by Brynn Ford

REVIEW ~ 5 stars

I couldn’t sleep from reading and wanting to continue reading this book. I’m freaking hooked and can’t wait to see the next hurdle Mercy must pass. This woman is so strong, full of compassion, with a certain sweetness and softness I find so endearing. The warrior within her is blazing through and I can’t wait to continue to see her fight.

I still think Killian has to die. This dude is cruel and deserves punishment that meets his crimes and actions. Death is the only solution.

I’m not sure how I feel about the other members of The Control. Owen seems to be reasonable (if a lot delusional), Wesley seems to take pleasure in being cruel (and yet try to appear kind), Ryker seems to be a determined Killian follower (like that guy needs anyone to encourage his wickedness), and the other member I don’t even remember. I hope Theo is a help rather than a hindrance in the rebellion to come.

I wonder where the missing pages of Mercy’s mother’s journal are. Who made sure she found the journal in the first place? And what do those pages have to say?

I’m curious about what exists outside of Ember Glen. I’m sure it’s a futuristic version of our society and I hope I get a chance to see Mercy thrive in the freedom of it.

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Ember Glen Trilogy by Brynn Ford

Embers of Mercy by Brynn Ford

Ember Glen #3
Release - March 31, 2023
Genre - Dark Romance / dystopian, forbidden
POV - Dual 1st person
Heat - 5 out of 5
Format - ebook borrowed from Kindle Unlimited
Length - 356 pages

Death has always been chasing me, and I fear it's finally caught up.

If this trial doesn't end my life, it will surely take my mind.
And nothing could have prepared me for the despair yet to come.

Though everything seems hopeless, my love for Arlo remains constant. A part of me wants to give up and fade away with him. But secrets are being kept, and though I never expected to live long enough to learn the truth, a brewing rebellion might be the end of it all.

If Arlo and I are going down in flames, at least we can burn Ember Glen down with us.

The end of everything approaches, and I've never felt so lost.

I'm sickened by the trial Mercy is forced to endure.
If I could complete it in her stead, I would trade places with her in a heartbeat.

I can't do anything for her, and it wrecks my soul. My sanity is shattered, and I lose all control. And though my actions draw death nearer, its imminence inspires boldness. When we finally discover the truth, we have nothing left to lose.

One way or another, Mercy and I will end this—either everything will change, or we'll leave this place burning in our wake.

Ember Glen Trilogy by Brynn Ford

REVIEW ~ 4.5 stars

It's the last book of the trilogy and it gave me almost everything I could have wanted in an ending.

❥ bring on the rebellion
❥ let all castes unite
❥ Kill all those who NEED to die
❥ a happy ending for those who definitely deserve it

I'm being intentionally vague, but my only issue with this final book was that I wanted more. I wanted to spend time with Mercy and Arlo as they enjoyed their freedom. I wanted to really know what life was like for them away from Ember Glen and I wanted more justice to be found.

You know me... I'm a greedy goose.

If you love dark romance with horrific elements, situations that really push your boundaries, and love that shines a bright light through the darkness, then you NEED this series on your to-read list.